Friday, April 6, 2012

Are You Doing What You Came Here to Do?

A Normal Girl’s Journey to

Becoming a Contemporary Mystic

Life Purpose Angel

Life Purpose Angel

I spent most of my adult life living someone else’s idea of who and what I should be. I believe that “someone” was the media, or pop culture, or whoever created the super woman syndrome complete with the notion that women should try to emulate men in the workaholic professional world, while simultaneously being the perfect wife, doting mother and home maker extraordinaire. I gave it my best shot, but somehow it never quite seemed to be a good fit.

I started out as a “normal girl” who went to school and got a job in corporate America. I held positions in retail store management and eventually became a fashion buyer. (I gotta tell you it never felt quite right … Try to get an empath to negotiate hard core business deals, in the totally superficial fashion industry nonetheless. Crazy!?!?!) Fortunately during the mergers and acquisition of the 80’s, I was downsized. I decided to look at this as an opportunity to try something new and innovative. So I created Ready-To-Wear Review, a trade publication for executives in the retail fashion industry, which eventually became a renowned international trade journal. You might say I was the “go to” girl when it came to retail fashion trends. So I did what any “type A” Capricorn would do, I authored several books on the subject as well. I covered all the emerging retail trends of the time from “Electronic Commerce: How to Sell on the Net,” to “Resort Retail, Attracting Today’s Busy Woman,” and “Capitalizing on the Billion $$$ Airport Retail Market.”

And then I WOKE UP! Literally, I woke up one day and said out loud, “Hemlines go up, and hemlines go down. And in the scope of life, it really doesn’t matter. Nobody dies from it, but if I have to write another story about fashion, I might die.” Hmmmm …. Fifteen years of blood, sweat and tears … and I just couldn’t anymore??? What does one do with that??? Ahhhhh, enter the Dark Night of the Soul …. Severe clinical depression, burnout, chronic fatigue. Let’s just say I spent a year on the couch and it wasn’t pretty. Clearly I wasn’t living my life on purpose.

Then I stumbled upon a magazine with an article on Lightworkers and whatever that was; I knew that I was supposed to be a part of it. Even though I had no idea what a Lightworker was, it was as if someone flipped a switch and a light bulb (pun intended) went on. Somehow I just knew. It was then that my Spiritual Awakening began … I was intrigued by anything and everything even remotely spiritual … from reiki, to astrology, numerology, tarot, and even angels …. I just couldn’t get enough. You see during that “dark night of the soul” period I had asked, no I begged God, to show me what I was here for. And as soon as I said YES to being a lightworker it was like the flood gates opened. All the right books, authors, teacher, mentors, etc. just fell in my lap. It was wonderful!

“I was thrilled. Clearly I had finally found my Life Purpose,my true calling, my reason for being.”

Somewhere in there I started channeling angels and during one of those channeled writings, I was told to become a Spiritual Life Coach. OMG how perfect! I had always wanted to be a therapist (but in my family “good girls” didn’t go to college and get masters degrees, they got married and had babies … ). So here I was twenty years later with something even better … Life Coaching. I had just barely started my Life Coach Training and was still completing my Spiritual Psychology program, and I already had paying clients. So cool! On top of that my teachers were referring clients to me. I was thrilled. Clearly I had finally found my Life Purpose, my true calling, my reason for being. Or so I thought … until one fateful day when I met a wise Shaman, Chief Robert TallTree. Much to my dismay, he told me that I was quite mistaken … it was only part of my purpose.

Chief TallTree was doing readings for all those gathered that evening and let me tell you I did NOT want one. Not even one little bit! I just had no desire for him to discuss the details of my personal life in a group setting. Somehow I must have known this wasn’t going to “go well.” But avoidance is a moot point around most Shamans, and this one was no different. After he had read everyone else, he asked me if I was going to finally stop moving around the room and sit down. There was no wiggling out of this one, so I sat down. As I did, he asked me what it was I do. “I have the best job in the world!” I declared. “Really,” Chief TallTree asked, “ And what is that?” “Well I’m a Spiritual Life Coach!” I replied. “And what makes that the best job in the world?” he asked. “Simple,” I responded, “I get to help people find their joy.” “I disagree,” was his oh-so- pointed response, “What about your joy???” He informed me that while I was helping others find their joy, I was not in touch with my own. Needless to say I was dumbfounded.

Being a bit of a stubborn Capricorn, I chose to ignore all of this. After all, he didn’t say “what’ it was I should be doing. So I continued coaching and teaching and, you guessed it … struggling too. You see when spirit wants your attention that’s generally how they get it. They make things a bit difficult. This went on for months. Until one dismal Wisconsin January afternoon, when nothing I was trying seemed to be working, I went back through my divine guidance journal to see what pray tell I had missed. It had to be something, as nothing seemed to be working. And low and behold, nearly every channeled-writing I had done in the preceding six months contained a message to DRAW. In fact the angels had begged me, no they pleaded with me, “Draw Lori, please DRAW!” But, I had chosen to ignore it. “Draw what?” was my constant question. That made no sense to me at all… so I’d simply move on and ask another question.

Today I’m no longer living someone else’s version of reality; I’m living mine … and it is, as the Shaman said it would be, filled with joy!

Well that gloomy January day, I decided to humor them. And then it happened … I sat there in front of my altar with a blank piece of paper and the angelic messages started pouring in … they told me what colors to use, what to draw, where to place it, what it meant. It was the most incredible thing I’ve yet to experience in this lifetime. The angels told me to use this medium to bring forth their messages in both pictures and words. By opening to this process I have seen magic occur before my very eyes. Plus, with no formal artistic training, I have created art that’s been so well received it has found homes in over twenty countries around the world. Now that’s magic in and of itself.

Today I’m no longer living someone else’s version of reality; I’m living mine … and it is, as the Shaman said it would be, filled with joy!

In closing, let me leave you with these thoughts … Are you you living your version of reality? Have you fulfilled your dreams? Are you doing what you came here to do? The question that will haunt you when it’s time to take your last breath, is not how many people you pleased, but rather, “Did you do what you came here to do?”

The Perfect Way to Find Out What You are Really Here to Do
Angelic Message Portrait™ What better way to get in touch with what you are really here to do than through the Wisdom of the Angels. Let their loving guidance walk you through the steps necessary to find your purpose, your truth, your reason for being. In your Angelic Message Portrait Session I will bring forth the angel’s answers to your personal questions, as well as capture the healing energy of their message in a beautiful Angelic portrait. Your custom piece of art then works with you at a heart level to help you make the shifts and changes necessary to experience more love, more joy, more health, wealth, peace and happiness in your life.

In Honor of Finding Your Life Purpose
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*Pricing available through 4/30/12

About the Author

As a Visionary Artist, Spiritual Life Coach, author and public speaker, Lori Daniel Falk is often referred to simply as a Contemporary Mystic. She has been gifted with a new artistic healing modality that enables her to communicate with, and share, the wisdom of the angels in both pictures and words. These Angelic Message Portraits Lori has the honor and joy of creating with the angels; bring a feeling of wonderment and inspiration to all who view them. To date they have found homes in over twenty countries around the world, and have graced the covers of numerous magazines.

Ms. Falk is also the founder of The Crystalline Institute, an organization focusing on bringing spirituality into everyday life. She is a graduate of the School of Spiritual Psychology, has completed a Coaching from Spirit Masters Certification Program and is a Reiki master. She has been a featured guest on both radio and TV. Her new book, ”What the World Needs to Know NOW, Wisdom of the Angels,” is currently available at

Prior to embarking on this spiritual journey, Ms. Falk was the editor and publisher of the international trade publication RTW Review (Ready-to-Wear Review) providing retailers with the fashion industry’s pertinent monthly news. Utilizing her years of experience as a fashion buyer and retail store manager, as well as her expertise in sighting emerging trends, she was often referred to as the “go to” person in the retail fashion industry. During that time she wrote a series of books on retailing including ”Electronic Commerce: How to Sell on the Net,” “Resort Retail, Attracting Today’s Busy Woman,” “Capitalizing on the Billion $$$ Airport Retail Market,” and ”Retailing in Today’s World.”

Michael Jackson said, ˜I believe that all art has as it’s ultimate goal, the union between the material and the spiritual, the human and the divine.” This fully describes my art. Through the use of pastel chalks, mineral pigments and illuminating glitter paints I am able to capture the healing energy of the divine in angelic portraits that engage the viewer through their use of vibrant color and reflective light, while simultaneously enabling them to assimilate the “Wisdom of the Angels” directly into their emotional field by igniting their hearts.

– Lori Daniel Falk

To Schedule an Appointment

Contact The Crystalline Institute


Sessions are available worldwide via phone or SKYPE

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